Blue Ridge Dr
Blue Ridge Drive was your typical California ranch style home. Built in the 1950s, the materials and methods of construction have advanced quite a bit. We see a lot of bathrooms from this era with a window in the shower. Back then, it was a quick and easy way to ventihilate the room. But it also provided an easy path for water damage to the wood frame underneath that tile.

This Guest Bathroom was cramped, out of style (pink tub and tile) and suffering from water damage.
Not visible in this picture is the entry door, which swung into the room. It was mounted on the right hand side of the entry. The light switches were located on the left hand side of the entry.

The mirror built-in wall cabinet wasn’t enough space and the client had added a large storage cabinet above the toilet as a solution. The prior sink had fallen off of the wall as well.

After demolishing the room down to the sub-floor and wall studs, we treated the wood rotted areas around the window, tub and sink areas. The sink area was then reinforced to accommodate another wall mounted sink. This saves on space in this tiny bathroom.
Also, a pocket door has been added to the left wall of the entry. Now, the light switch is located to the right hand side of the entry.

Porcelain tile that mimics the look of marble was used for the shower walls and backsplash behind the sink. Actual marble mosaic tile was used for the decorative border. Slate tile for the floor, with a marble, diamond shaped tile for accent (seen in previous picture).

Wall hooks replaced towel bars. In this picture, the new light switch panel is shown. A custom built-in wall cabinet was added to make up for the lack of storage space. At 5″ depth. The wall cabinet itself was 20″ width by 40″ height. We didn’t want it protruding too far out. But it had enough space inside to store many items.
This bathroom remodel took place with the clients living in the house during the project. Every day we covered their existing hardwood floors to prevent any damage. We placed plastic up as a curtain to minimize the dust and cleaned up at the end of each day. The total time to complete this project was 2 months. The water damage repairs along with reinforcing areas of the bathroom and ensuring its much better water resiliency is what added to the time frame.
Want to know how we can help you improve your current Bathroom, give us a call!