Bathroom Remodeling

Here you will find a sampling of the many bathroom projects we have completed over the years. We take a small, cramped space or a large, dysfunctional space and tranform into a spa for our customers.

Blue Ridge Bathroom Remodel
An example of a small, dated 50’s California ranch bathroom. This was a complete gut job. Click on the View Projectbutton to see the before and after on this project.

East Estates Drive Main Bathroom Remodel
An example of a dysfunctional bathroom layout. We moved plumbing and walls around to make this space work. Click on the View Project button to learn more.

Farragut Lane Main Bathroom Remodel
An example of some dysfunction with a dose of miniature for this dated bathroom. We moved some walls just a bit to make some room in the shower. Click the View Project button to see more of this project.